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    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    How to make Fococcia Bread/pizza Dough

    Fococcia Bread/pizza Dough

    2             package Fast-rising dry yeast      1/2        cup Salad oil
    2 cup Tepid water (90 degrees)                   1           tsp Table salt
    2 Tbs Sugar                                                       5 1/2 cup Unbleached white flour
    4 Tbs Olive oil                                               3                    cl Garlic


    1 Dissolve the yeast in the tepid water. Add sugar, olive oil, salad oil, and regular salt. Mix 3 cups of the flour and whip until the dough begins  to leave the sides of the mixing bowl, about 10 minutes.   Mix in remaining flour by hand or with a dough hook and knead the dough until it is smooth. Allow the dough to rise twice, right in the bowl, and punch down after each rising.   Either freeze at this point or roll out into two pizza rounds. Put on  pizza tray and rub with garlic. Add toppings and bake at 450 degrees for  10-15 minutes. Check to see when done. 

    Servings: 2 

    Item Reviewed: How to make Fococcia Bread/pizza Dough Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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