
  • Latest RECIPES

    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    How to make Late Summer Pizza

    Late Summer Pizza

    1               Recipe Pizza Crust
    1/4 tsp Blended Italian Herbs
    1  lg Leek; cleaned, thinly sliced and sauteed in rosemary and olive oil
    1/2           sm Zucchini
    1/2          sm Patty Pan Squash
    1/2          sm Sunburst Squash
    3        oz Dry Monterey Cheese
    1/2 oz Parmesan Cheese; grated
                                    Nasturtium Petals and Blossoms
    Late Summer Pizza


    1    Follow package directions to prepare pizza crust, adding the Italian herbs to the dough as you form it onto a 10-11" round. Bake on parchment-lined baking sheet or on a pizza stone at 425F on the lowest oven rack for 10 minutes.
    2    Slice squashed very thin and slice cheese, using a cheese plane. Top pizza crust with leeks, sliced cheese and squashes. Return to oven and bake another 5-7 minutes, until cheese has melted. Sprinkle with Parmesan and bake a few more minutes. Arrange nasturtiums on top. 3  

    Servings: 30 

    Item Reviewed: How to make Late Summer Pizza Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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