There are numerous ways in which corn on the cob can be cooked on the barbecue. However this particular helps to give a kick to what can sometimes be quite a bland tasting food.
4 Corn On The Cob
½ Teaspoon Lemon Juice Per Ear Of Corn
¼ Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper Per Ear Of Corn
¼ Teaspoon Chilli Powder Per Ear Of Corn
¼ Teaspoon Salt Per Ear Of Corn
1. Get the barbecue started making sure that you place the grill 6 inches above the heat source, asyou want to cook the corn on a medium heat.
2. Once the barbecue has heated up place the corn on the grill and cook until the corn starts tochar and you can insert the tip of a knife easily into a kernel.
3. After removing from the heat drizzle each ear of corn with lemon juice before then sprinklingthe cayenne pepper, chilli powder and salt over them. Then serve to your guests.