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    Thursday, October 6, 2016

    How To Make Tofu And Green Onion Veggie Burgers

    As well as being very tasty these particular burgers are also very nutritious because of the inclusion of wheat germ in them. Not only is this recipe suitable for vegetarians but also for vegans.


    ½ Container Firm Or Extra Firm Tofu Mashed
    1 Onion Diced
    3 Green Onions Diced
    2 Tablespoon Wheat Germ
    2 Tablespoon Flour
    2 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
    2 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
    Dash Freshly Ground Black Pepper


    1.  In a large bowl place the tofu, onions, wheat germ, flour, garlic powder, soy sauce and blackpepper and mix well together.

    2.  Once all the ingredients have been combined together divide up into equal amounts and form intopatties. Then leave them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

    3.  Whilst the patties are resting in the refrigerator get the barbecue going. Make sure that youplace the grill six inches above the heat source, as you want to cook these on a medium heat to prevent them from burning or drying out.

    4.  If you want to avoid the hassle of trying to turn each burger over as you cook them on thebarbecue then place them inside a fish basket. Cook for around 10 minutes (5 minutes on each side) until the outsides of them are brown and crispy. Then serve to your guests with a whole wheat roll and some salad.

    Item Reviewed: How To Make Tofu And Green Onion Veggie Burgers Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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